Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ridiculous Summer Weather + Rambly Bits

So, this morning I woke up at 5:00am to my surprise... and it wasn't like a slow wakening kind of thing, it was a BAM I'm wide awake! I ended up staying up for two hours after that and watching the sunrise from my window... and also pulling on one of my boyfriend's sweaters because I had my window wide open so the cool morning air could come in - it was a little too cold for me under my sheets however!
In my city we have had a ridiculous amount of dry weather recently with the humidity being obnoxiously high. For the past two days there have supposed to have been storms, but unfortunately neither of them have come :( the grass shows it - I'm going to have to water the lawn this evening because it's such an ugly yellow colour compared to the lush bright green it should be! My boyfriend gets headaches with the changes in the air pressure - and yesterday evening he had a massive one, and me, being the sensitive one to how people are feeling, picked up on it too... big time, so I had a massive headache throughout the evening and into the night: I was dizzy, I had no energy, I couldn't stand up straight without sort of falling to one side and so after driving me home and seeing how well I couldn't really walk upstairs, le boyfriend led me upstairs and to my room and put me to bed :)
He was really sorry that he couldn't stay very long since he had to get home and go to bed himself too, so he left me with his shirt and he grabbed one of his numerous sweaters that now reside in my closet :)

After I heard the mail lady come yesterday I ran outside and checked the mail and sadly, there was neither a large package from my sister nor a small parcel from BundleMonster :( however there was the latest issue of ELLE magazine, and so I flipped through that in the afternoon. One thing that always makes no sense to me is that I always get magazines in the mail even after they've been put out in the newsstands - or maybe that's because I live in Canada and most of the magazines I'm subscribed to are American...

I'm off to have a busy day today! Along with watering the lawn I've been enlisted by my boyfriend's grandmother to weed her lawn and garden, because she can't :( they have a wonderful, energetic puppy  though so I can't wait to see her!

Julie xo

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