Friday, November 9, 2012

Barren Wasteland... aka a Reservoir

So in my town we have a reservoir about 10 minutes away from my house, and I pass it almost every time I go driving with Jacob, and last week I noticed it was looking less like a reservoir and more like a barren wasteland........

So I went home and grabbed my camera and went out and I took a bunch of photos. My mother wanted to see it too, so she ended up coming along with me.

However I have not been there in the spring or summer so I'm not sure if the reservoir actually fills up much with water or not, but at the moment it's kind of pitiful!

However we are in the city so I'm not surprised that it looks so drab!

Have a great weekend,
Julie xo

(Edit Nov 16 - turns out they actually drain it in the fall to decrease the flooding that would happen if it had more water in it, frozen, and then that melted in the spring)

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