Sunday, September 2, 2012

DIY Key Revamp!

Today I was browsing on YouTube and I came across this cute video on how to use nail polish to revamp and blingify ordinary keys!
I took my car key and looked through my nail polish and decided to do a purple-black ombre and used a jelly polish from Icing with some small and mid sized holo sparkles and some big star shaped pieces in a purple suspension base layered over that. The end result looked like this:
Read on for a step-by-step on how to do revamp your key like I did!
So here's what you need:

~ a plain key
~ some nail polish
~ something to hold the key upright (I used a spool of thread)
a plain key
Del Sol colour changing nail polish - Ruby Slipper
spool of thread to hold the key upright to dry


I wiped my key with a little bit of nail polish remover before painting one coat on the head of the key.
it dries fairly quickly so I added two coats on both sides
I stuck it in the spool of thread to let it dry fully. You can test to see how dry the polish is by trying to dent the polish with your fingernail. If it leaves a mark then it's not dry yet - when you can't make a mark then the key is fully dry.
I would recommend leaving the key drying as long as possible and put it back on the key ring at the last possible time. Sometimes if there's been many coats of polish, putting the key ring on and not treating it carefully might scratch the polish, so take your time putting the key ring back on so you don't scratch it. 

the key turns red in the sun!
Have fun trying it on your own keys - it's easier to tell them apart if each one of them has a different pattern! Try polka dots or stripes or a chevron pattern! The polish should last a while before it chips, and when it does, either repaint it or if it's not on rubber like a car key, use nail polish remover and do another pattern!

Julie xo

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